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2014. 12. 5. 21:02

How to Survive the Russian Winter russia2014. 12. 5. 21:02


페테르부르크 타임즈는 옛날에 페테르부르크에 처음 갔을 때 매주 읽던 영자 신문인데 요즘은 세상이 좋아져서 페이스북으로도 팔로우하고 종종 사이트에 들어가서도 기사를 본다.

오늘 올라온 기사 중 재미있는 게 있어서 발췌해 본다. 링크는 제목 아래에...

읽으면서 끄덕끄덕 :)


How to Survive the Russian Winter

Published: December 5, 2014 (Issue # 1840)


  • Photo: Andy McLemore / Flickr


Пуховик: down jacket, parka

Remember those "you know you've been in Russia too long when …" lists? Well, I have an addition. You know you've been in Russia too long when you have three dozen coats, jackets and other bits of outdoor clothing for every conceivable and inconceivable weather condition, most of which involve cold temperatures and some form — or multiple forms — of precipitation.

My upstate New York outerwear consisted of a light coat, a winter coat, a raincoat and a dress coat. Throw in a parka and windbreaker, and call it a sartorial day.

Now let's take a look at my Russian closet. For summer, the so-called "hot" season, I have лёгкий плащ (light raincoat), ветровка (windbreaker, recognizably from the word ветер — wind) и джинсовая куртка (denim jacket). Note that in Russian, куртка is any short outerwear jacket. A jacket that is part of a suit is called пиджак. If you are feeling fashion-forward — and are a woman — you can call your jacket жакет or жакетка.

By August or September, those options won't do. Out comes the плащ на подкладке (lined raincoat), which is heavier than the summer version and can withstand freezing rain, sleet and snow — you know, autumnal weather in the Russian capital. This might be плащ-тренч or just тренч (a trench coat).

Next to it in the closet is штормовка (storm jacket), which is a heavier, waterproof version of the ветровка. That usually covers dog walking in October and November. By December, I've pulled out three other jackets. The first is пуховик (down jacket), which is quilted and filled with пух (down, feathers). That one is lighter than my second winter jacket, a парка (parka), which is also down-filled and has a hood, but weighs so much that just putting it on is aerobic exercise.

In the world of Russian fashion, the terms парка and пуховик are often interchangeable today. But one kind of down jacket is always парка — that's the аляска (Alaska) or шноркель-парка (snorkel parka), originally a U.S. armed services parka that had a bright orange lining and a fur-lined hood. It zips up so high that there is only a small, narrow, snorkel-like opening at the top for important tasks like seeing and breathing.

And then I have дублёнка (sheepskin jacket) for those truly cold days midwinter. When I was young and moderately cool, I also had кожаная куртка (leather jacket), but never a косуха, a leather jacket that's usually black with the zipper set diagonally from the left hip to the right shoulder. That crosswise zipper gives the garment its name (from косо — slanting, at an angle) — and its supreme coolness.

That's the sportswear section of my closet. The work clothes section has пальто, an undeclinable noun that means any coat that is knee-length or longer. I used to have just one kind of heavy coat — зимнее пальто (winter coat). For Russia, there is another kind — демисезонное (mid-weight, in-between), that is, what you wear in the fall. And you will discover soon enough that what you thought was зимнее пальто is actually демисезонное пальто.

After one winter in northern Russia, you will also want to abandon your morals and buy шуба (fur coat) or maybe полушубок (fur jacket), if only to fit in with everyone else on the metro. You resist. By the second winter you begin to think: It's either me or the minks. By the third winter, you fit in.

Posted by liontamer