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2014. 11. 21. 09:08

일리야 쿠즈네초프의 마린스키 은퇴 dance2014. 11. 21. 09:08


 출처는 마린스키 발레(mariinsky ballet) 페이스북.


사진은 스베틀라나 아바쿰(svetlana avvakum)


Tonight, our soloist Ilya Kuznetsov will dance his final performance at the Mariinsky Theatre in the status of the soloist of the Mariinsky Ballet. He will appe...ar in the role of Ghirei in Zakharov’s The Fountain of Bakhchisarai at the historic stage. He would like to thank everyone who loved him and who was not indifferent to his career of professional ballet dancer. He elected to continue his career in the new capacity of an independent dancer, producer, director of his network of dance schools and president of his charitable foundation.

Ilya Kuznetsov devoted twenty years of his life to the Mariinsky Theatre. According to a ballet critic, “whatever different styles of production the dancer turns to he is a natural in all of them, you believe his heroes, there is no narcissism in them, the dance here is a dance of the soul, of the characters’ inner worlds”. Among his recent roles, he will probably be best remembered as Tybalt in Lavrovsky’s Romeo and Juliet, the Vizier in Grigorovich’s The Legend of Love, von Rothbart in Swan Lake, Abderakhman in Raymonda, Hans in Giselle, Hooligan in Boyarsky’s The Young Lady and the Hooligan, José and Torero in Alonso’s Carmen Suite et al.

Other lead roles in tonight’s performance will be danced by Olesya Novikova (Maria), Maxim Zyuzin (Vaslav), Daria Pavlenko (Zarema) and Nail Khairnasov (Nurali). Photo (in the role of Ghirei): © Svetlana Avvakum.





아주 좋아하는 무용수인데 많이 섭섭하다.. 발레학교도 운영하고 있고 여러 가지로 바쁜 사람이니 앞으로도 좋은 일만 있었으면 좋겠다.


재작년인가 마린스키 가서 바흐치사라이의 분수 봤는데 거기서 이 사람이 기레이 추는 걸 봤다. 지금 돌이켜보니 그게 내가 이 사람을 무대에서 본 마지막 공연이었네 ㅠㅠ 기레이 역은 사실 춤은 별로 없고 거의가 마임과 연기로 이루어져 있는데 그래도 워낙 드라마틱한 배우라서 아주 훌륭했다. 아, 이 사람만한 힐라리온, 티볼트, 기레이, 로트바르트가 없는데 ㅠㅠ


난 언제나 배우로서의 역량이 뛰어난 무용수를 좋아했기 때문에 이 사람이 떠난다니까 참 서운하다..


그래도 일리야, 앞으로 행운만이 가득하기를!!


Posted by liontamer